Part 42: Last Minute Rescue

When we last left our wayward princess, she was being chased by one of Rasputin's goons after her Maxwell Smart-worthy stint as a spy.

I'm not controlling Anastasia at this point; she's running down the street on her own.

She stops at the alley to catch her breath.

She thought wrong.

We finally see what it was that the assassin was signaling.

Well, it was nice knowing her.

Oh, hey, I think I remember these guys!

Back to Anastasia, the monster is closing in.

She backs up, but soon hits the crates in the rear of the alley.

He goes in for the kill.

But Yuri gets there just in time.

In this fight, it's always Yuri, Karin and Blanca that show up to rescue Anastasia.

This battle is a good spot to try out Anastasia's Snap Shot ability.

Mostly because this monster gives her one of her Special Attacks.

You can see here how the monster's stats are now displayed. Pendulum isn't tough; Anastasia probably could have handled him on her own.

I do let her have the honor of getting the last hit in.

Bam! Scene change!

Anastasia walks over to the counter and slams something clanky down on top of it.

It's a huge sapphire ring.

Yuri doesn't take it.

As Anastasia goes into her speech, Yuri completely ignores her and hums as he "dances" with Blanca, and Edgar is desperately wishing for a hole to crawl into.

Yuri finally starts paying attention and lets go of Blanca.

I get the feeling there was a small scene cut from the game.

Anastasia panics and grabs Edgar to hide behind.

She relaxes and lets go of Edgar.
